Uni Göttingen
Institute for Informatics
Databases and Information Systems

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Institute for Informatics
Göttingen University
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Lecture: Databases

  • regularly: PO 2006-2011: 2 SWS + 1 SWS Exercises/Übung; 4 ECTS-Credits; BSc.
  • regularly: PO 2011: 2 SWS + 1 SWS Exercises/Übung; 5 ECTS-Credits; BSc.
  • WS05/06, WS06/07, and WS07/08: 3 SWS + 1 SWS Exercises/Übung; 6 ECTS-Credits (Export to TU Clausthal)

The course is usually taught in the winter term. For students in BSc Applied Informatics, it is strongly recommended to attend the course in the 3rd semester in case they are interested to attend also the the SQL lab, or advanced courses in the database area already in the BSc studies.


The module is an introductory course to (relational) databases:

  • Conceptual modeling (ER model)
  • Logical modeling: relational model
  • Relational algebra (theoretical foundations for query languages)
  • SQL queries
  • Syntax of SQL DDL, DML:Updates
  • Overview of database internals: physical storage, optimization, query evaluation
  • Overview of multiuser aspects, transactions, safety
  • Overview of formal database design/normalization

The course uses the Mondial database for illustrations and practical experiments.

The course can optionally be continued with the SQL Lab.