Virtual Teaching Survey in SemWeb 24.10.23: First meeting: 4 participants attending Poll 1: Synchronous or Asynchronous (=Self Learning)? Total: 2x "I will nearly only use online materials, no real interest in participating in any live sessions" 1x "I prefer to regularly attend live sessions (4hrs/week), but often I nevertheless skip them ... too cold, too rainy, too lazy ..." 0x I prefer to regularly attend live sessions (4hrs/week) (do not consider whether these are in-presence or online) and I actually regularly participate" Poll 2: Preferred modus of synchronous teaching: (Please type one of the CAPITAL letters as answer) Total: 1x A: I will participate online, but I will not participate in-presence 2x B: I prefer online (for general reasons), but will (usually) also participate in-presence C: I participate, no matter whether the sessions are online or in-presence - no preference 1x D: I prefer in-presence, but will (usually) also participate online E: I will (would) participate in-presence, but I will not participate online (then, I prefer to use the recording, no problem) F: I will (would) participate in-presence, but I will not participate online (so I can only use the recording, and I am not happy about this) Poll 3: Intermediate (online) meetings scenario: lecture recordings of all materials are available, no regular lecture meetings. What kinds of intermediate meetings would be of interest for you: (Multiple answers allowed) Total: 1x A: questions-and-answers-meetings every two weeks (14h until all questions are answered) 2x B: hands-on exercises (open room 14-16h) come in whenever you want, get (continuous) help C: presentation of (selected) exercises, questions and answers on those (and afterwards on everything) D: what else (write it in the BBB chat)?