Uni Göttingen
Institute for Informatics
Databases and Information Systems


Semistructured Data and XML
Summer 2016

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang May

Date and Time:

  • Wednesday 10-12 ct, IFI SR 2.101
  • Friday 14-16 ct, IFI SR 2.101

Lecture and Exercises mixed (see announcements on this page)

Module M.Inf.1141, 4 SWS, 6 ECTS.
The module's home is the MSc studies in Applied CS. It can also be credited in the BSc studies in Applied CS (as "Vertiefung Softwaresysteme und Daten"),
and in several other studies:
BSc/MSc Wirtschaftsinformatik, Mathematik (BSc/MSc), Teaching/2-Fach-Bachelor, PhD GAUSS, ...

Course Description

One of the most important facts that lead to the overall success of XML is that the "XML world" combines a lot of already known concepts in an optimal way for coping with a broad spectrum of requirements. The course will first review some of these preceding (partially even historic) concepts (network database model, relational databases, object-oriented databases) and the integration of data and metadata (SchemaSQL). Then, the idea of "semistructured data" is introduced by showing early representatives that helped to shape the XML world (F-Logic, OEM).

In the main part, XML is presented as a data model and a markup-meta-language, and the current languages of the concepts of the XML world are systematically investigated and applied: DTD, XPath, XQuery, XSLT, XLink, XML Schema, and SQL/XML.

The lecture uses the geographical sample database "Mondial" in its XML version for illustrations.

For practical exercises, the XML software is installed in the IFI CIP Pool. The software playground page can be found here; the XPath/XQuery/XSLT Web interface is available here.
The sample code fragments can be found in the CIP pool under /afs/informatik.uni-goettingen.de/course/xml-lecture/ .

Dates & Topics


  • Oral exams, between 18.7.2016 and October 2016, to choose between these slots:
    • Exam period in July: 18.7.-22.7.
    • Exam period in late August-mid September: 22.8.-15.9. Please register in FlexN***, and send me a mail about your preferences. I will then group the appointments on some days.
    • Exam period in October: 10.10.-21.10.
      (Winter term lectures start on October 17)
    • all three slots will be created in FlexNever; registration for each of them ends one week before the first exam date.
    • Please contact may at informatik.uni-goettingen.de for the individual appointments/slots
    • the exams take place in my office, room IFI 2.107