16th. ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems
(PODS 97),
Tucson, Arizona, USA,
May 12-14,
ACM Press,
pp. 217-224.
Referential Actions as Logical Rules
Bertram Ludäscher, Wolfgang May, Georg Lausen
Referential actions are specialized triggers used to automatically
maintain referential integrity. While their local behavior can be
grasped easily, it is far from clear what the combined effect of a set
of referential actions, i.e., their global semantics should be. For
example, different execution orders may lead to ambiguities in
determining the final set of updates to be applied. To resolve these
problems, we propose an abstract logical framework for rule-based
maintenance of referential integrity: First, we identify desirable
abstract properties like admissibility of updates which lead to
a non-constructive global semantics of referential actions. We obtain
a constructive definition by formalizing a set of referential actions
RA as logical rules, and show that the declarative semantics of
the resulting logic program PRA captures the
intended abstract semantics: The well-founded model of
PRA yields a unique set of updates, which is a safe,
sceptical approximation of the set of all maximal admissible updates;
the third truth-value undefined is assigned to all
controversial updates. Finally, we show how to obtain a
characterization of all maximal admissible subsets of a given set of
updates using certain maximal stable models.
[Slides of the talk]
An extended version can be found in