Intl. Conf. on Very
Large Databases (VLDB) - Demonstration Track,
Rome, Italy,
Sept., 11-14,
LoPiX: A System for XML Data Integration and Manipulation
Wolfgang May
LoPiX is an implementation of XPathLog, an
XML/XPath-native, rule-based programming language for manipulation and
integration of XML documents. The main syntactical constructs are
XPath expressions, extended with variables. Due to the close
relationship with XPath, the semantics of rules is easy to grasp. In
contrast to other approaches, the XPath syntax and semantics is also
used for a declarative specification how the database should be
updated: when used in rule heads, XPath filters are interpreted
as specifications of elements and properties which should be added to
the database. The LoPiX implementation provides an environment where
XPathLog is complemented with schema information obtained from DTDs, a
class concept, data-driven Web access and export functionality.
Binaries of LoPiX together with a detailed paper on XPathLog can be
found here.
[Demo Poster]
Due to several enquiries, here is the LaTeX
source code (using the a0poster package from CTAN and the
A detailed description of the XPathLog language can be found in the
Habilitation Thesis and in
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 2004.
Further documentation can be found on the
LoPiX project homepage.